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In order to support Big Local areas who are interested in ‘climate proofing’ their Big Local plan, we are hosting a one-hour conversation for you to share your plans, ideas, priorities and concerns.

For most Big Local areas, and communities in general, action on climate change is only a priority if first it is about directly improving the lives of people in your community.

Recent research by IPPR explored how communities can thrive in a climate changing context and laid out the opportunities to improve the lives of those locally (whilst taking climate action).

Recommendations focused on taking ownership and organising projects many Big Local areas are already delivering, including:

  • Low-carbon housing
  • Renewable energy
  • Woodland creation and management
  • Adapting to climate impacts such as flooding
  • Active travel and community transport
  • Local food production
  • Reusing and repairing

Local Trust want to support Big Local areas who are interested in ‘climate proofing’ their Big Local plans by taking the activities you are already planning, and providing access to specialist support that can advise you how to simultaneously address climate change.

In order to understand the support you want and need, we are hosting a one-hour conversation between 11 – 12pm on Friday 7 May for areas to share plans, ideas, priorities and concerns when it comes to climate proofing your Big Local plan.

Sign up here

If you have any questions, or would like to have a chat about your ideas and the support you might need, please email