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This discussion, part of our towards resilience series, explores the role of community in helping to transform social care so it works better for everyone.

COVID-19 has shown many of our systems to be fragile in the face of crisis. In many cases, community groups across the country have stepped in to support local residents during the pandemic, demonstrating the value of local knowledge and networks when responding to uncertainty and disruption.

This event, co-hosted with Think Local Act Personal, is the fourth in a series looking at how we can reimagine our fragile systems and put more power and resources into the hands of communities to ensure a more resilient future.

The discussion will explore how the crisis has highlighted the shortfalls in the care sector and how communities can play a crucial role in using their experiences of the pandemic to transform social care so that it works for everyone.

To find out more, take a read of this blog by Caroline Speirs, head of the Think Local Act Personal partnership.

Our panel includes:

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