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Initially set up in response to the pandemic and formerly known as COVID Conversations, this is our fifth session of Keep Connected with Big Local.

In this session will we be discussing ‘Fundraising for your community’. We will hear about one Big Local area’s experience on this, and we are joined by the Directory of Social Change. They will also, as ever, be a chance to share your own experiences with the DSC experts. The DSC will be giving top tips and best practices on applying and researching for fundraising opportunities which will benefit your local community.

Over 40 years ago now Michael Norton set out to research and write ‘The Directory of Social Change’, a directory full of ideas, information and contacts to help explore alternatives for creating positive social change within communities. The DSC are experts on many things, one being fundraising. So if your Big Local area is struggling to get match-funding or small grants for community hubs, playgrounds, maybe you’ve had some success and want to improve your chances, whatever the situation maybe, if it’s related to fundraising, this is the event for you!

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If you have any questions or queries regarding this event,

please do not hesitate to contact us or call us on 020 358 804 23


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