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Political activities and public funding

Working with your MP

Members of parliament are there to represent us – that’s their job. But it’s also up to us to make sure they are aware of the issues that matter to our communities.

Getting support from your MP can be useful in many different circumstances; it can help to raise the profile of your community group and be a useful source of advice on a particular issue.

This toolkit gives an overview of some of the ways that you can engage with your local MP and provides real life examples of how different community groups have worked with theirs.

It’s divided into three sections:

  • Tips for working with your MP
  • Community voices: how we worked with our MP
  • Getting started

Download the guide


Tips for working with your MP: Why, when and how to get in touch

Contacting your MP might feel like a daunting process, but it doesn’t have to be. There are several different ways you can get started – here we introduce some of the reasons you might want to reach out and what you can expect.

Why should I reach out and where do I start?
What can my MP help with?
What can my MP do to support my work?
Finding the right time
Getting in touch
Things to think about before the meeting
At the meeting
Remember to follow up

Community voices: How we worked with our MP

We talked to Big Local partnerships about how they’ve worked with their local MP. They had different experiences and reasons for doing so, but they all had top tips to share with others looking to do the same.

To contact these areas simply head to Workplace or to the Big Local area map.

Arches Big Local
Warwick Ahead Big Local

Getting started: Put ideas into practice!

This section includes some practical things to think about when you make that initial contact with your MP. We’ve created short templates to help you put together a punchy and professional introduction that will get your MP’s attention.

Writing by letter or email
Using social media