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No place left behind!

Local Trust is delighted to be supporting The Create Streets Foundation on ‘No place left behind: The Commission into Prosperity and Community placemaking’, and they want to hear from you! 

What do you think is needed to see more community-led activity, like managing local green spaces or buildings? What needs to happen to build more community-led housing and business? And, what do you think stands in the way of communities taking control of their local spaces, places, and buildings? This is a chance to have your say.

With the overall aim of finding and promoting the policies and practices that will improve left-behind neighbourhoods, this influential Commission is currently collecting evidence to understand what needs to happen to improve the local surroundings. And, they especially want to hear from people living or working in communities where the action is needed.

We want to make it as easy as possible to share answers to the commission’s questions, so here are some ways you can submit evidence:

Please note, the deadline for submissions is 2 of November.

What will the evidence be used for?

The team is collecting this evidence to shape their understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing under-valued neighbourhoods. The Commission will produce an interim report in Jan 2021, and a final report with recommendations in the summer of 2021. This will inform central, regional, and local government policy and spending decisions, as well as the approaches of grant-making bodies.

Would you like the Commissioner to (virtually) visit your community?

Commissioners had planned to get around the country and visit areas, but owing to COVID-19 restrictions, these visits will be taking place virtually for now. We would love to support Big Local areas to host a visit, so if you are interested, please let Georgie know.

The Create Streets Foundation is a charitably Incorporated Organisation (CIO), whose aims “are to advance the education of the public in subjects related to the built environment, successful development and the associations between urban form and mental health, physical health, community cohesion, and pro-social behaviour”. 

The Create Streets Foundation was founded by Nicholas Boys Smith, co-author of the final report of the ‘Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission’. It has been described as “seminal” and “landmark.”

You can read it in its entirety here or download a summary here.